Friday, December 12, 2014

Why am I hungry?!

You probably often experience moments when you eat 5th sandwich but still feel hunger? That definitely won't help you loose some weight. But I have a solution... 

I do not wanna make you bored of too much information. I know you are hungry now and don't know what to do, so quickly read my tips below!

Firstly, think of your last meal... Don't be shocked that you are hungry again if the last thing that you ate were cookies, or corn cereals, or sweet roll, or a sandwich... Also, pay attention on the amount of water you drink. The best option is to drink about 2 liters of MINERAL water.If you feel this weird sound from your stomach maybe he needs some drink? Try a glass of magical water then!
But sometimes it's problem of the sufficient income of different vitamins or minerals... All you need to remember:

To satisfy your dear tummy, you need to give him a lot of PROTEIN. Protein makes you not feel hungry for much longer than fat or carbohydrates. Add some protein to every meal! The best source of it? Definitely: chicken meat, natural yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese!

Do not forget about FIBER! (beans, soy, broccoli)
and the most important thing...Because of fiber the amount of food in your liver is growing like a sponge. Why is it so important? You will eat less and for longer you will feel "full".

What is more and also very very good to practice is to add ZINC to your diet! Zinc tells awesome lies to your brain saying "Oh, no! You are not hungry. It's not time for a meal yet." "Eat later". Lovely zinc, but where we can find him? In beef, spinach or (what is the most easiest to apply) in onion!

Well, I believe you are not "starving" right now. You need just some good tricks to do not eat too much... 

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